The Song That Cries Out (The Messy Middle) [Featuring: David from Jesus Freak Hideout]

Episode 94 (07/22/20): A one-sentence summary of this episode: Part geek out concerning the music industry, and part conversation about the messiness of faith, belief, and the hope that remains regardless of the dust of our questions and mess-ups.

It’s interesting, there’s something about music that transcends beliefs, cultures, wounds, and experiences. In this week’s episode, join us as we not only dive into the messiness and frustrations concerning the music industry, but also the tensions within theology and faith. Join us as we have an honest conversation concerning the importance of being challenged while also examining the label of what makes something/someone “Christian” with this week’s guest, David, from the music review website, Jesus Freak Hideout.

A native to the Pacific Northwest, David has long held a passion for quality rock music. He holds MA and BS degrees in missiology and theology, respectively, and since 2013, has written for Jesus Freak Hideout, an online Christian music magazine. He currently resides in Seattle with his family where he exposes his headbanging toddler to Falling Up, Wolves at the Gate, and other quality jams.

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