The Dance of Joy & Urgency Between Heaven & Hell (Featuring: Jesse Stirnemann)

Episode 75 (03/04/20): Goodness… I struggle to write a summary for this episode. This episode is for those who desire to go deeper… or to begin a genuine relationship with their Creator, Savior, and Sustainer. What are Heaven and Hell like and are they truly real? How do we grow a burden to tell others about Jesus and how can I be passionate and STAY passionate about Jesus? Is there joy to be found for someone like me…? If ANY of this resonates with you… you will not regret taking the time needed to listen to or watch this episode.

Seriously, I struggled cutting anything out on this one. You may laugh, and you may cry… Join us as we have an open and transparent conversation with special guest, Jesse Stirnemann.

Jonah FairComment