March Update #1

March has brought growth!

The Lord is moving through The Well in amazing ways, and I wanted to stop by and give an update on some new things that have and will happen here @ The Well.

-If you haven't noticed already, The Well has been added to the Faithful Bloggers Directory as an attempt to grow the influence/spreading of the message of the Gospel.

-The New Series: (un)Compromising, has been gaining readers unlike ever before! I pray that you have been challenged in your walk like I have. This month we will finish up this incredible series, pray that the Lord uses the remainder of the series to not only grow us a Christians, but to spread the truth of the Lord to all.

-New part of The Well? When the site begun, I envisioned a place of open dialog (similar to a forum) where Christians of all ages could study God's word together with constant communication and connection to one another. I am researching ways to make that dream a reality so stay tuned.

-Contact!? If you have any ideas of a new series or want to share the impact that The Well is making on you, feel free to leave a comment or email me at:

So as March drives on, I pray that the Holy Spirit moves through us in amazing ways. It gets hard sometimes waiting to see what the Lord has planned for us... but just think,

The Lord is molding you into something GREATER than you can see right now!

If in anyway you have backslid in faith, focus or walk, I pray that you regain focus and footing. I pray that we get back on the path with a renewed spirit and drive. If you are going through tests or temptation, I pray that you are open to the healing hand that desperately wants to hold you.

It's a crazy world... no doubt, But we MUST NEVER lose focus and/or forget why we are here...

Why are we here?

To spread the word TO the world that there IS a hope! That hope? Is Jesus Christ

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." -1 Timothy 6:12 

"But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of  harm.” -Proverbs  1:33

So Stay Tuned!

Every Wednesday, The Well will be posting new posts. Follow via Twitter or E-Mail  to stay up-to-date throughout the week!

:D --- UNITED we can "Prepare [our] minds for action…" -1 Peter 1:13