Through the Valley: "Why Did You Not Take My Warning Seriously...?"

Have You Read The Other Parts of: Through The Valley?

If Not, Click Below: Part 1 (Soul): Here Part 2 (Heart): Here Part 3 (Strength): Here

Most of all battles are won or lost in the mind...

Warning- (warn·ing)

A.) Hint towards possible harm B.) Advice to beware C.) Counsel to cease from a specified undesirable or harmful course of action

D.) A threat or sign of impending danger or evil


"Let's be honest...
...You have ignored my warnings LONG ENOUGH...

...Because the truth is...? You know EXACTLY what I warned you, I am not dumb... you have been playing with fire long enough to know the results...

...Are the results as great as they first looked like they were...?

Do you remember me telling you to watch and pray so that you will NOT fall into temptation...?

I said this because I KNEW that your spirit was willing to be strong, but that your flesh IS NOT strong enough to resist the enticing bait and ultimately...? You compromise your integrity and let the temptation win...

...The "bait"

And it turns out...? ...The hook from bait hurts hurts bad

...I should know... For ALL of my children have faced the SAME temptations...

In reality...? All my children have ignored me...

As a matter of fact...? My children fall SO OFTEN that "falling" for the bait..? Has become common not only to them, not only to you, but to the world as well

ALL of my children have ignored my warnings... And they ALL give into temptation in some way...

...for the "bait"...

Sometimes the worst "bait" of all...?

...Is the deceptive lies about why I restrict you...

ALL of my children have ignored my warnings... And they ALL fall for lies...

The truth is...? You are born in a sort of "shark-tank" And this tank holds the meanest, most manipulative, and absolute BRUTAL creatures That you will ever see...

And honestly...? There are some bigger problems then those...

Some examples...?

-Almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE that they are living everyday in such a dangerous place.

-Almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE that the reason why they HURT so much...? Is because they have unknowingly been feasting on both the "bait" and the sharp hook ALL their lives

-Almost EVERYONE thinks that this "bait"... Is the real thing...

Almost EVERYONE in this tank has no clue...

And the saddest part...?

Almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE who I am or why I am shouting...

----->; I AM "YELLING", TRYING TO WARN THEM! <;------

Do they stop, listen, and think why I'm yelling...?

Because if they did listen...?

They would see that I "yell" to them to try to warn them!

...They would see that I'm only trying to save them...

Why do I do this...? Because I love them... ...I love you

But sometimes, instead of you remembering my promises?

You think of me as the person who "yells" at you what not to do ALL the time...

...You don't think of me as someone who loves and cares for you

...You think that ALL that I do is yell at you...

You paint me out to be:

"The Big-Guy in the sky..." "The cosmic killjoy" Who "YELLS" at you "WHERE you can't go..." Who "YELLS" at you "WHAT you can't do..." Who "YELLS" at you "WHAT you can't believe..."

And because of this...? you begin to hate me... begin to ignore me... Thinking that all I do is yell what you CAN and CAN NOT do...

If only you knew... ... If only you knew that is NOT what I'm doing!

Love does not yell in vain...

...Love speaks in un-wasted Words

... But you must be willing listen to hear its soft whisper

But sadly, instead of listening, Those in the tank run away from my voice... They chase the other voices that call to them

You might not believe it though... Something ALWAYS happens to people in the tank who paint me into the "cosmic killjoy"...

When they begin to see the bait for what it is...? When they begin to see the sharks around them...? When they know that they are trapped...?

Two things ALWAYS happen,

They either give into their defeat...


They call to me for help...

Now, In this moment... ... If you were in my position...?

You might say to those who are yelling to you to save them;


And since we are being honest...? I can say that I understand why you would say that... But even though I can understand...? It doesn't mean that I would respond like that...

So how exactly would I respond...?

I would respond to them like I respond to you... With love, Saying:

My child! ...Your yell ...Your CRY! Is EXACTLY why I yell to you... And EXACTLY why I LOVE you!

I've been through this shark tank, And I know how it feels... I know why you didn't take my warning seriously... And in all honesty...?

It doesn't matter... ...Because RIGHT NOW... I am here...

...I am here to WARN you of the sharks that are all around you to WARN you of the bait that is NOTHING compared to the beauty I created for YOU! I don't mean to yell at you to hurt you... ...I LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO YELL! This is how MUCH I LOVE YOU! I yell so hopefully you don't have to experience what I experienced... The tears, The PAIN, The AGONY of the sharks that ARE REAL!

I have seen what happens to those who do not listen to my warnings...

...So I am not just here to warn you...

...I am here to SAVE you from that possibility...

So if you are looking for a savior...? All you have to do is simply turn around..."

- Jesus

"...As Jesus went on... he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick..." -Matthew 9: 9-12

" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil HATES the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light..."

-John 3:16-22


Throughout this seres, we have been going through Luke 10:27...

We have been going through exactly what the scripture says that we are suppost to love our Lord, Jesus, with...

This time we will talk about one of the hardest things to love Jesus with...

Our Mind

“Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body.. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness." -Jesus Christ

Let's face it... Our mind makes us who we are!

Each individual mind shares different thoughts... Each individual mind shares different fears... Each individual mind shares different frustrations... Each individual mind shares different doubts... Each individual mind shares different addictions...

You might get the picture... .... the mind sets us all apart!

However; there is something about the mind that unifies us all...

Each individual mind DOES NOT shares different valleys... We ALL no matter where or who we are,

WE ALL will face the same valleys and sins that all come from the same source...

... The Father of Lies (John 8:44)

So many times though, We don't realize that just like all pain in this world came from Satan...? Every living thing CAME from God All love in this world CAME from God WE came from God!

If we all came from god... Then there is no valley too big for God! We can not sit back when someone is going through a valley...

So let's think through this scenario: If someone around you was in the process of getting viciously attacked by a shark, EVERYONE would do ALL that they can do to help the victim in ANY way possible... right?

So why is it that we all are silent when someone around us is being viciously attacked by sharks spiritually...?

We MUST begin to pray that the Lord replaces OUR selfish hearts with HIS Holy heart of love and compassion.

We CAN NOT continue to stay in the distance and witness fellow brothers and sisters die spiritually!

When we go "through the valleys" of this life... We fail to realize that everyone around us face THE SAME EXACT THINGS!

"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." -1 Corinthians 10 : 13 (NLT)

Sadly, Christianity has become a lot like professional sports... there are nine guys on the field doing almost all the work and thousands in the stands just watching...

If this is true for you...? What are you willing to do... watch... or work...?

Who's team are you on?

You are either on God's team... ... or you ARE NOT

Are you in the firing squad for Jesus or are you in the line up for sin...?

If we are on God's team... Then WE CAN NOT stand around while our brothers and sisters get eaten alive by this shark tank that we ALL are in!

We must begin to see that Jesus GIVES us a rule book The Bible, So that we don't have to be hurt by the hook of sin!

Although Jesus gives us rules that we break... that put us down into a deep dark valley...?

...The beauty of Christ is that he died so that our pain Could be washed and bandaged up!

Your LOVE Lord is SOOO amazing... that you would send your OWN SON to die for us. TO DIE!

All because he was trying to warn us of the sharks

It drives me crazy how you are unexplainable Lord! I could repeat the WHOLE Bible and still be speechless! All that we can do is live our lives as a reflection of the Lords unexplainable love....... It all makes sence when we stop to think about it.

I know that I always ask the Lord,

"Why ME!? Why do I have to be the weird one, the radical 'Christian'? Why do others not see that I am JUST LIKE THEM and I am an 18 year old just like they are! The only difference is that i listened to you Lord and I allow you to put the breaks on my life and desires BECAUSE I can't forget your life changing touch and RELIZE that I am not the director!"

...I wonder if Paul felt the same way when you put him on his knees. I always look up to him Lord because his story feels like the one you have given me! All sometimes I can do to help the world SEE just who you are to me is speak out loud Lord! All I can say in moments like these, when I'm laying awake thinking of you, is to just say Thank You Lord! I pray that you touch them like you did to me that night when I truly surrendered all and didn't just sing it to feel good...

I KNOW that if you touch the reader like you touched me...? It would be IMPOSSIBLE to deny you and NOT be radically changed and radically consumed by you Lord! If only everyone had felt you like I did that night... If they did...? Then they would understand why the ONLY thing that I want to do for the REST of my life Is to worship and lead others to you... Thank you for nights like this... for I feel as close to you as I did when I gave my life to you that night...

Thank you Jesus for your grace... for you gave me a new life And just like you have given me a new life... A new life that is aware of the sharks that around me...? Thank you for continuing to work, and yell to the others in this tank... You continue to offer them the same truth and beauty that you have offered me!

Lord help us see... ‎That we are NOT a body with a soul, but INSTEAD may we see that our soul is so so so crucial! And when we sin...? Help us see... ...That we hurt you...

We must remember that we are not in valleys because of God...

We get in "valleys" because we allow sin into EVERY AREA that was MADE to love God with ALL that we are!

-Soul -Heart -Strength -Mind

They ALL work together...

And just like they all work together...? We as the Children of Christ should also. WE are the body of Christ...

So if our body does not reflect Christ...? Then just like when your normal temperature in your body changes from the needed 98.6° F....

We as people, when we follow the "bait" and ignore the calls and warnings... We move away from God one degree at a time...

And before you know it?

You are boiling...

You are going through the valley again...

Only through the Lord Jesus Christ can we make it through these valleys! This fight that you are fighting DOES NOT have to beat you! There can be victory! I believe that the Lord used me in this moment to speak to you...

...And I believe that he has something to say to you....

"I am the Lord your God, your creator, I’m sorry you are hurting, I’m sorry that you are in pain, It was never my intention for you to cry, I love you so much and NOTHING can take that away! Nothing that you have done, Nothing that you have thought, Nothing that you have said, NOTHING you have OR will do COULD EVER TAKE AWAY MY LOVE FOR YOU! But right now you are low, I understand completely, I have been there, I have been hurt, I have been laughed at, I have been spit on, I have been beat by this SAME WORLD that is beating you. I WANT TO HELP YOU, But you must allow me too, I am not your enemy, I love you more than you will ever know, But you are drifting away from me, All I want to do is help! But you MUST TRUST ME! You must have faith! You WILL lose this world This I promise, But what I can give is so much better! I will protect you. I will give you true life. I love you… But you must be ready to listen Are you ready to listen…?

I am the Lord your God. Have you forgotten THAT I created love…? Have you forgotten THAT I AM love? Have you traded my gift of love for the world’s dead rose…

Have you forgotten me for the flowers in your hand…? Please believe me... I won't hurt you in any way! I care so much about you!

The first step in defeating an enemy is recognizing the oponent,

And I PROMISE that I am NOT your opponent... But too often you mold me out to be…

You think of me as

a Judge and a Lawgiver,

and although I am both, I am NOT a killjoy! In fact…? …I created your laughter…

But still, so many other lead you into thinking that I’m a sort of “bully” who only beats up… who destroys “pleasure”, In reality? I am the FARTHEST from that! This which you may believe is true…? Is nothing more than a lie! For this lie does a HUGE disservice to my purpose and intentions!

This lie ignores the compassion, the Love, and TRUE Concern that I have for you!

You were NEVER built for abuse! You were NEVER built for self-torture! You were NEVER built for manipulation! You were NEVER built for perversion! You were NEVER built for pain! You were NEVER built for traveling this life alone!

But just like the first humans that every existed…? They ran from the truth also. They ran… and they always end up in chains…


If only they knew the truth! If only YOU knew the truth! What is the truth?

…That you were built around me…

So just like your first ancestors…? …instead of listening to the truth? you run from me like a plaque… And honestly…? I understand… I know how hard it is for you! I’ve been in your shoes, …Literally The mind is a crazy and complex thing sometimes!

I should know… …I created it

But I’m here to say… That if you give me a chance…? I will COMPLETE YOU!

MY SON!!! MY DAUGHTER!!! Why do you reject your other half and still live AS IF you are complete and happy!?

You deny me to chase happiness! But the happiness that you are chasing is a mirage, a counterfeit, and you don’t KNOW it until it’s too late until you are a slave to it…

DO YOU NOT SEE THAT I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY TOO!? I love you too much to see you settle for LESS then the BEST!

Please believe this! Like ANY father, I am disappointing that you run from me.. I hurt when you deny me… But I AM sorry that you are in this valley! And I love you enough to help you out!!

This is why I give you rules… This is why I give you laws… This is why I give you boundaries!


I know you feel trapped… But I’m here to tell you, You have ALREADY been set free! I am the light and way out!

These demons and chains that you think are holding you tight…? ARE NOT AS POWERFUL AS I AM!

I sacrificed and surrendered my LIFE so that they will leave you alone! But you must trust that I care for you, you must trust that I love you, you must trust that I KNOW what I am doing…

I created you, I created your hopes, I created your dreams, And I know your anxieties…

I am the perfect doctor… And I know what you need. That feeling you have right now? That feeling of guilt and hopelessness…? What if I would tell you that I can fix that!?

What would you say, if I told you that I know a doctor who is considered the BEST of the best. A doctor that knows you better than you know YOURSELF! And not just ANY doctor, But a doctor that truly knows you from the inside out, and knows how to fix you.

What if I told you… I am that doctor… …Will You Let The Doctor Work On You?

Because let's be honest...
...You have ignored my warnings LONG ENOUGH...

...Because the truth is...? You know EXACTLY what I warned you, I am not dumb... you have been playing with fire long enough to know the results...

and where has those results got you? Not what you thought was it...

Do you remember me telling you to watch and pray so that you will NOT fall into temptation...?

I said this because I KNEW that your spirit was willing to be strong, but that your flesh IS NOT strong enough to resist the enticing "bait". And ultimately...? You compromise your integrity and let the temptation win...

And it turns out...?

The hook from bait hurts ... it hurts bad. I should know... For ALL of my children have faced the SAME temptations that you do!

In reality...?

All my children have ignored me...

As a matter of fact...? My children fall SO OFTEN that "falling" for the bait..? Has become common not only to them, not only to you, but to everyone in the whole world... ... So don't feel alone, because you are not!

ALL of my children have ignored my warnings... And they ALL give into temptation in some way... for the "bait"...

Sometimes the worst "bait" of all...?

Is the deceptive lies about why I restrict you... ALL of my children have ignored my warnings... And they ALL fall for lies...

The truth is...? You are born in a sort of "shark-tank" And this tank holds the meanest, most manipulative, and absolute BRUTAL creatures That you will ever see... And I STILL love you the same! NOTHING can take away the LOVE that I have for you!

You are living in a shark tank... And almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE that they are living everyday in such a dangerous place. Almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE that the reason why they HURT so much is because they have unknowingly been feasting on both the "bait" and the sharp hook all their lives.

Almost EVERYONE thinks that this "bait" is the real thing... Almost EVERYONE in this tank has no clue... And the saddest part...? Almost EVERYONE in this tank HAS NO CLUE who I am or why I am shouting...


Do they stop, listen, and think why I'm yelling...?

Because if they did listen...? They would see that I "yell" to them to try to warn them!

They would see that I'm only trying to save them...

Why do I do this...? Because I love them... AND JUST LIKE I LOVE THEM...? I LOVE YOU!!!

But sometimes it sad because instead of you remembering that I love you...? You think of me as the person who "yells" at you what to do ALL the time...You don't think of me as someone who loves and cares for you

...You think that ALL that I do is yell at you...

You paint me out to be "The Big-Guy in the sky", "The cosmic killjoy" Who "YELLS" at you "WHERE you can't go..." Who "YELLS" at you "WHAT you can't do..." Who "YELLS" at you "WHAT you can't believe..."

And because of this...? you begin to hate me... begin to ignore me... Thinking that all I do is yell what you CAN and CAN NOT do...

If only you knew... ... If only you knew that is NOT what I'm doing!

Love does not yell Love speaks...

... But you must listen to hear its soft whisper

I don't want you to be like the others around you NOT listening to the warnings I have... They chase the other voices that call to them

You might not believe it though... Something ALWAYS happens to people in the tank around you who paint me into the "cosmic killjoy"...

When they begin to see the bait for what it is...? When they begin to see the sharks around them...? When they know that they are trapped...?

Two things ALWAYS happens,

They either give into their defeat or they call to me for help... Now,

In this moment... ... If you were in my position...?


And since we are being honest...? I can say that I understand why you would say that... But even though I can understand...? It doesn't mean that I would respond like that...

So how exactly would I respond...?

I would respond to you with love, Saying with LOVE, MY Child!

Your yell and your cry is EXACTLY WHY I yell to you!

It's EXACTLY why I LOVE you! I've been through this shark tank, And I know how it feels... I know why you didn't take my warning seriously... And in all honesty...?

It doesn't matter... ...Because RIGHT NOW! I am here!

I am here to WARN you of the sharks that are all around you, and to WARN you of the bait that is NOTHING compared to the beauty I created! I don't mean to yell at you to hurt you... ...I LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO YELL AT YOU! This is how MUCH I LOVE YOU! I yell so hopefully you don't have to experience what I experienced... The tears, the PAIN,and the AGONY of the sharks that ARE REAL!

I have seen what happens to those who do not listen to my fathers warnings... So I am not just here to warn you... I am here to SAVE you from that possibility...

I am the Lord your God. I am your creator. I love you enough to save you through the valley you are in...

The time has come to let me in... You are ready to listen and you have not forgotten me... I am the doctor that can heal you, all you must do is take my warning of this life seriously. If you are looking for a savior... ... All you have to do is turn around."



My prayer is that this series has answered some of the questions that you have had about the Lord and also that this seres has strengthend your relationship with him.

In this series, there has been a part that had the Lord speaking directly to you like above. Although the quotes were not from the bible, or any other text, instead... they are words that the Lord has laid on my heart not only for you, but for myself also!

Recently I overcame the valley I was in and I can promise you that victory is amazing! Victory comes through surrender and confession to not only the Lord... But to others as well! And sometimes this can be the hardest part!

But the longer you allow shadows to linger, the longer your eyes will become used to the darkness. Don't be afraid to get a hand out of the valley you are in! If you worry that you might be judged for telling someone the "valley" that you are going through... DON'T Worry! If who you tell calls their self a follower of God, then they will NOT judge you! Because they also go through valleys.

This is why I believe, that WE as brothers and sisters of Christ, must LIVE like Jesus lived and HELP fellow brothers and sisters who are spiritually sinking! No longer can we sit back, because there will be a day that WE need a helping hand through a valley.

I pray that this series has blessed you like it has blessed me...


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind’; ‘Love your neighbor as yourself....”

It is impossible to love the Lord with EVERYTHING if there is something that you are still holding from him and if there is anything holding you back from your neighbors.

We have an amazing father... A father slow to anger and ABUNDANT in love and mercy!

A father that loves us NO MATTER WHAT! No sin is too big for him to handle... No sickness is bad enough to cure... No person is too far gone to save... No sin is unforgivable...

...No valley is too big for our Lord

Thank you Lord, For you have delivered us, For you have delivered ME, Through The Valley

Lyrics in video: [youtube=]

---- " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil HATES the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light..."

-John 3:16-22